What To Do When Your Child’s Teeth Are Causing Them Pain

25 December 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A toothache can be difficult to fix when your own teeth are hurting, but it becomes much more challenging when it is your child that is complaining about oral pain. You only have their own translation as to what the pain feels like, as well as where it is coming from in their mouth. It makes it easy to mistake food that is irritating their gums for a cavity. The best way to have a problem diagnosed is by visiting a dentist, but is your child's concern a real emergency? Read More …

4 Reasons To Get Dental Implants

8 December 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have missing teeth or you've been wearing dentures for years, you may be thinking of different ways you can improve your smile. One of these options is getting dental implants. Dental implants are permanent teeth that are basically attached to your jaw bone by small screws, and once you heal, you are left with a smile that looks original and teeth you can use like normal. If you are afraid of the procedure or don't think you are ready for dental implants, here are 4 reasons you should get them that may change your mind. Read More …

Your Dentist Said You Need A Root Canal: Now What?

18 November 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When a dental cavity becomes severe enough that it turns into a bacterial infection that reaches the pulp of the tooth, you need a root canal. During a root canal, the infected pulp of the tooth is completely removed and replaced with a large filling, thus relieving pain and saving the tooth from needing extraction. Still, if you've been told by your dentist that you need a root canal, you may be feeling understandably nervous. Read More …

Preparing For Your Child’s Sedation Dentistry Procedure

28 October 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Sedation dentistry offers a great way for kids to cope with complex dental procedures without feeling the anxiety and potential pain that comes with being awake during the visit. Your family dentist will discuss the methods for delivering anesthesia with you and your child before the procedure, but there are a few things you should know to prepare your child and you for the visit and the recovery time afterward. Read More …

Ain’t That A Kick In The Head: Tooth Replacement Options For MMA Enthusiasts

14 October 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

The popularity of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) had led to an increased interest in martial arts training. Because MMA involves full contact fighting, and involves a multitude of fighting styles, injuries involving strikes to the head and face are likely to occur. As more amateurs begin to train and compete in MMA, accidents involving tooth loss are inevitable, whether from ill fitting or knocked out mouthpieces, or from beginners who choose to train without protecting their teeth. Read More …