Teeth Straightening Information and Options

6 June 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

It used to be that, when someone had crooked teeth, they had two options. They could choose to go through life with their teeth remaining crooked, or they could have braces put on. There have since been many advances made in the dental field that allow those with crooked teeth to choose a method that fits their financial needs and offers them a treatment that they feel the most comfortable with. Read More …

Questions About Keeping Your Teeth Strong

13 May 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When it comes to keeping your teeth strong, healthy and looking great it can take a lot more than you may realize. Along with making sure you take care of them by brushing and flossing, you also need to make sure you are taking in the right vitamins and minerals. You will also need to do your best to prevent damage and weakening that can happen in other ways. Knowing that there is actually a lot to maintaining good health for your teeth can leave you with many questions. Read More …

Three Factors That Can Affect The Longevity Of Your Dental Implants

3 May 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you receive dental implants, ensuring that they last for a long period of time is important. This is going to ensure that you are really getting the most out of your investment. Since dental implants can be costly, this is even more important. For this reason, you want to know the three factors that are going to effect the longevity of the implants so that you can be sure to avoid any problems. Read More …

Why Keeping Your Wisdom Teeth Isn’t Always Wise

27 January 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Your wisdom teeth are your last set of molars and usually make an appearance in your teen years. For some people, the teeth never erupt, and this causes pain or tenderness. For others, their wisdom teeth come in without a problem. Your dentist may suggest removing your wisdom teeth if it appears as though they are impacted and likely to cause you problems in the future. Some people simply don't have enough room in their mouth to have the wisdom teeth come in while others have wisdom teeth trying to come up at an angle. Read More …

Sneaky Signs Of An Abscessed Tooth You Should Never Ignore As A Parent

27 December 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Most parents assume that dental problems would be fairly easy to diagnose in the mouths of their children. However, not every dental issue is as easy to spot as it may seem, especially when it comes to an abscessed tooth. Abscessed teeth, which are basically teeth that are infected, are caused by decay most of the time, but can also be relative to a chipped tooth or trauma to the soft tissue around the tooth. Read More …