How To React When You Lose A Tooth

6 December 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

While always unpleasant, having a tooth knocked out can be a part of any accident. It can be a very scary incident for anyone and will require treatment from emergency medical staff. If you act quickly, you may be able to save the tooth and have it reattached. However, this is not always going to be an option. If that happens, there are some things you can do. What You Should Do When a Tooth is Knocked Out Read More …

3 Tooth-Brushing Mistakes Your Dentist Wants You To Quit Today

23 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Brushing your teeth is more of an art than a science. While that is very much true, there are some certain unspoken rules to brushing your teeth that you should try to follow to enjoy optimal dental health now and in the future. Try your hardest not to make the following mistakes when brushing your teeth. When you stop making these mistakes, your dentist (and dental health) will thank you! Read More …

4 Things You Should Understand about Soft Diets after Dental Implants

17 November 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have a dental implant placed, it is likely that your dentist will recommend that you follow a soft diet while the implant is healing and integrating into your jaw. A soft diet will reduce the amount that you need to chew and help ensure that there is not undue pressure on your implant so that it can heal properly. Often, your instructions for a soft diet may be given to you in your info packet or release paperwork. Read More …

Four Signs It May Be Time To Replace Your Dentures

28 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are various levels of quality when it comes to dentures. That said, if you had a low-quality pair of dentures made some time ago, they may need to be replaced soon. Here are some signs that your dentures probably should be replaced as soon as your Medicare plan or insurance will allow. The "Teeth" Are Very Discolored Low-quality materials used to make the fake teeth in dentures cause the " Read More …

Teen Fashion Fads Of The 21St Century Your Dentist Will Frown Upon

11 October 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Every century has its set of changes and trends that come along with the changing decades, and the 21st century has been no different. However, many of the newest trends in fashion have to do with accessorizing in ways that no last-century person would have dared don before--especially when it comes to accessorizing your teeth or mouth in some way, shape, or form. If you have a teen in the house who is all about fitting in, you should know right off the bat that there are some trends your dentist will frown upon, no matter how fleeting they may be. Read More …